Alpha Academy
December 15, 2018 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
The Alpha Academy is dedicated to mentoring the young Black men of the Sacramento area. The Academy meets from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on the third Saturday of the month from September to May at the Cosumnes River College Library in Room L-111. Here’s what the Alpha Academy covers:
Social Development
The Alpha Academy curriculum tackles key issues impacting young Black men. Sessions address parent relationships, bullying, and other social influences. Participants are challenged to develop strong communication skills that lead to healthier relationships with family and friends.
Personal Development
Participants are empowered through discussions on male responsibility, etiquette, proper attire, life readiness, goal-setting, and literacy.
Academic Development
Participants are empowered to succeed academically. Sessions highlight strategies to improve the life trajectory of students through education. The goal is to thoughtfully prepare participants for higher education and beyond.
Parent Support
The Parent Support group provides seminars that are designed to promote parenting skills, which are essential in helping close the academic achievement gap for students of color. The support program is a collective endeavor of parents, educators, and human service professionals.
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